submission2We are feeling very submissive right now.

Tomorrow morning over a dozen publishers or literary agents will receive submission requests from Zelig Rana, the collective pseudonym adopted by the discoverers of the Heteropocalypse text.

This is the next step in a long process, which has taken longer than we expected. It was necessary to reconcile differing translation techniques across the schism between those of us who are motivated by great literary ambitions vs those of us who were motivated by more devout feelings. This proved extra difficult, as we continue to work on recording, transcribing, and translating the gobbledegook which has been channeling into our minds since our ritualistic first reading of the text.

We intend to continue submitting, and once we’re done submitting to all the agents and small press / smut publishers, as well as a variety of xtian groups, who may pick up the text as an alarmist warning. After receiving the expected rejection letters from each and every one (highlights will be shared, we promise), we will then submit to you all. Pleading for donations so that we can fund the self-publishing of this unsettling and beautiful prose which came to us and demands wide presentation to others.

Prepare. Begin. Share.