About Zelig Rana

Posts by Zelig Rana


“I say that the present state of society is iniquitous and is ready to be destroyed. If it is the work of theatre to preoccupy itself with this, it is even more so that of the machine-gun.”

– Antonin Artaud, Direction and Metaphysics, 1931.

It is a difficult thing: life and production in late stage capitalism. When you turn your attention to a passion-project, you necessarily turn your back on street marches, disruptions, valiant attempts at ungovernability, and desperate screaming recruitment of  the suddenly mobilized crisis-reacting masses. To do anything but fight is to normalize the new apex of american exceptionalism, the new white supreme god emperor. What is there in the writing publishing and distribution of a text that can validate itself under such circumstances? Well, this text… everything.  The Heteropocalypse is a vortex, one that shall suck the clothing off every straight white cishet man on earth and then suck their delicious nude bodies up into a transformative void where they may return in a more pleasing form. The faith of the most faithful among us has been challenged, but one cannot depart from a collection of words that possesses you as completely as these do us. A new effort is underway, another surging attempt to infect our world with Heteropocalypse. The details will remain hazy, but Wading against the current, spitting our words into a gale force wind, ejaculating up a blasting firehose, all these tasks may be easier than making Heteropocalypse as widely read as the xtian bible, but that doesn’t make it not our task.

Our commitment remains, the word shall be made flesh, despair is the harbinger of triumph. Believe. Believe, sad solitary believers. Believe until you weep blood, until hope and anticipation spills uncontrollably from you in thin viscous rivulets down your thighs. Believe.


crisis1We are floundering in the morass of the internet, and have grown desperate for some kind of encouragement or recompense for love’s labors. Please, anyone reading this, buy the actual book. It is not expensive and if you care enough to read this post, to like it on facebook, to feel a flutter in your chest when the suggestion of the world ending via an uncontrollable accumulation of queer ultraviolence, then you will likely consider it worth seven dollars. The Heteropocalypse flows from our minds and tongues, burbling with a burgeoning expanse of glossalalia smut, and we cast it out into the world where it finds no purchase, like a cumshot or golden shower that somehow elides it’s target by some mystery of urological physics.

The following valiant attempts to publish and distribute The Heteropocalyse have been conducted.

1. submission to publishers and literary agents.
2. creation of a facevirus account.
3. submission to literary journals and magazines.
4. appropriation of the OkCupid algorithm.
5. self publishing on amazon.com

crisis2All the myriad tools of modern capitalism have been summoned for our purpose and, unsurprisingly the fruits have been meager, witness:

1. Polite form letters rejecting our offers.
2. Nine hundred and three “friends” twenty-nine “likes” and a few dozen “thumbs up” or comments on posts.
3. Silence.
4. Hundreds of conversations, much superficial encouragement, a few authentic and interesting exchanges with rad queers, a few depressed people asking for advice / dates, many astonishingly banal conversations (this one is the most baffling, we can understand being repelled by our content, but to respond with droll monosyllabic indifferent acceptance? How overstimulated people must be), one sexting exchange which included a picture of bare breasts that was soon followed by judgmental condemnation and shaming, extensive advice on how to viral market using more click bait and other non-consensual dirty tricks, discouragement from viral marketing erotic and deviant content even with warnings, three exchanges of interesting cultural artifacts, two actual purchases of the book.
5. $3.45

Our next step is this desperate plea: buy the book! Support the coming of the end of all things! Lift our hearts from this shroud of despair and hopelessness, this cruel promise of the world without a world in it anymore that floods our dreams, but dangles beyond our reach. Once you buy it, read it, share it, support it, touch us, please! Give us reason to carry on and usher forth the extensive strangeness of what remains.


It’s Alive!

SELF1-AThe collective of scumfuck demon-channelling weirdos that calls itself Zelig Rana is very proud to reveal and make available our grand literary scion. Heteropocalypse: Ritual is now available for purchase via the most notorious channels of gross, bloated, but ammoral and totally indiscriminate capitalism. That is right, this book violates the community standards of every publisher, literary agent and literary journal we could find, so we had to resort to self publishing at Amazon.com.

Hoping to get you all hooked on our product, we are offering the thing at a limited time discounted price of only $7. All we can say is: buy the fucking thing already!

SELF1-BActually, that isn’t true, we have more to say. Zelig Rana is, as always, excessively verbose and transparent in our processes. Self-publishing through Amazon.com is nothing but an exercise in desperate vanity for the majority of authors who resort to it. Our text, this sacred, world shaping (destroying) document deserves better. It needs a marketing push commensurate to it’s grandiose ambitions. There will come a time in the future when we recruit street teams, sticker squads, swag factories and degenerates who are willing to leave surreptitious copies in public libraries, bookstores or restrooms. If you have read the book and would like to promulgate it, please touch us, virtually, at: heteropocalypse@riseup.net.

In the meantime, we will continue to wield the hyperreality infotainment apparatus by making our smut go viral on facevirus and OkCuspid. Once we have a good readership, there will be a fundraiser with grand dirty exhibitionist perks to help us get off the internet and into street(team)s. Excited? We sincerely hope so. The first thing you gotta do is BUY THE BOOK.

And next? The sequel to this monstrosity is literally pouring, glossolalia style from our mouths and heads even as we post this. Like the birth of Athena from Zeus’ cleaved skull, Heteropocalyse: Sacrifice is coming from us fully formed in the channeled voice and language of Babylonian demon-spirits. The sales of Ritual will make the translation, editing, and distribution of Sacrifice possible. Terrible things will follow, beautifully terrible things.



Unsatisfied with the passive engagement of the facevirus, our internet marketing / social virus team has begun conducting experiments in new realms of social media marketing. We’ve plumbed the weird facebook, let’s see what happens when we go looking for punters on the weird OkCuspid?

We were very excited about the format. With facevirus we had to search for new “friends” based only on who has the freakiest looking profile pic / name (ended up with lots of death metal bands). With OkCuspid, we can harness a search algorithms designed to dangle companionship or intimate connection over lonely people for the purpose of selling lonely people our smut!

Preliminary testing is inconclusive, but shows potential. With some tweaks to the parameters, and an actual product to push, we believe this method will produce a significant buzz and at least a few sales. It is certainly better than the facevirus, or our attempts to solicit agents and magazines.

First, we created an OkCuspid profile, our name is Zelig_Rana, so if you use the cuspid, and would like to flirt pointlessly with whichever agent happens to be conducting the experiments, do as thou wilt. We answered a slew of questions, trying to guess what answers would make us most attractive to our target audience, which was a challenging bit of mental gymnastics. Mostly we just answered the sex questions and politics questions in the most libertine and hedonistic ways possible. Avoided questions about drugs or jobs or anything like that.

Then, we started sending messages to highly rated strangers. Our sample size approached 100 for this experiment, mostly people living within a few hundred miles of Chicago. We set our sights as broadly as possible, and went based on “match percentage” because we suspect “special blend” is a lie used to direct some action at the less satisfied customers and keep them on the cuspid hook. We do not want to keep anyone on this social virus’s hook. That would not feel good.

The messages we sent started with “Heteropocalypse virology experiment 2 underway… Would you like a random sample?” Regardless of how people responded to that, we replied “It is a novel. A single sentence will be randomly selected and transmitted to you. If you so desire. Be forwarned: it is a novel of absurd satanic erotica.” because we believe in informed consent.

Enthusiastic respondents were then given a random sentence from the story. Selected using an online random number generator. Then we continued with a series of pre-written follow up questions, such as “Would you say your feelings are more… intrigued, or concerned, at this point in the experiment?” and “How would you feel, if I told you that you have expressed greater enthusiasm than any other subject of this experiment? A. Pity B. Shame C. Pride D. Lied to.”

Some questions offered additional samples, or the preceeding or following sentences, and one offered “If anything you wanted could happen next, what do you suppose that thing might be? In the universe, on this metaphysical plane of existence. If a stanking pit to the netherworld were to open up, releasing our dark lord to grant you a wish, what, pray tell, would such a wish be?”


Two respondents said they would pay to receive the full text. One requested it hand-bound in leather. She included: “mmm… leather” to drive the point home and insinuate something about her personal life.

A few respondents also attempted to hook up with the conducting agents in person, but (as we suspect is so often the case) schedules and geography did not align before the conversation fell to the second page of the respondent’s message inbox under the slew of unsolicited dick picks and “hey sexy” messages that seem ubiquitous on this medium. Oh well, such is the way of modern hypersaturated alienation.

The agents conducting the survey recommend the following changes to the procedure:

First, single sentences do not satisfy. We understand the collective’s commitment to the aleatoric, but sometimes (but surprisingly infrequently) the randomly selected sentence did not contain or even insinuate anything dirty, absurd, or satanic. If we presented paragraphs, or sections instead, there would be more for the respondents to engage with. We recommend the text be broken into 200 or so numbered pieces which are sure to contain some amount of juiciness and then randomly selected from there.

Second, expanding the search scope. It would be interesting to choose a handful of metropolitan and cultural centers, put the range at 500 miles, and only message the top 10 highest match percentages from each place. Only delve into the less than 95% range for cities that produce results.

Third, streamline the question process, and actually have a thing to sell. Why the fuck aren’t we just self-publishing this goddamn book already? Amazon print on demand is a minimum upfront cost, no-risk option. I don’t think they have community standards, and it’s not like any publisher is ever going to pick this trash up and try to sell it!

You will only succeed if first you try.


VIROLOGY: The Miley Cyrus Selfie Gallery

For those sick preeverts among us who like to see hardcore porn subtly collaged with their favorite pop star. More to come?

Submission II: Literary Journals and Magazines

SUBMIT-AWe are again feeling very submissive. After receiving waves of rejection and deafening silence from the dozens of publishers and literary agents we submitted the full text of HETEROPOCALYPSE: RITUAL to, we decided to make sacrifices.

We broke our text. Nothing is sacred. The carefully interwoven stories of the Heteropocalypse have been disentangled, unfurled and forced unnaturally into separate short stories. The disentangling took one thing and turned it into nine.

SUBMIT-BThose nine things are now being submitted to every literary journal we can find, one at a time. This multiplies our work exponentially, but also the possibilities of a match. When The New Yorker rejects “The Moon is a Thin Balloon” we can send them “A Cup of Sugar” next. If McSweeny’s doesn’t get the off-beat humor of “his cardigan is suddenly uncomfortably warm” they might go for the bizarre treatment of pop culture in “Miley has Invited Billie Rae to Dinner”. We’re sending “A Pegasus Conceived” or “The Last Ritual” to publishers of sci-fi and fantasy, and attempting other genre-focusing choices.

Anyone who wishes to assist with this sisyphean task will be rewarded with sneak previews of the stories. Please contact heteropocalypse@riseup.net if you are interested. SUBMIT-C


virologyThe collective / cult that is Zelig Rana has been working diligently to promote and create an infectious following for this work. We figure that the best way to avoid having all of our submissions get rejected again is to “go viral” so that bands of wild-eyed hooligans begin knocking over shelves and old ladies in their earnest demand for our product.

That is how these things work, correct?

To that end, we built ourselves a facevirus account, and each member of our secret society invited all of their freakiest friends to observe our doings there. To be honest we have also spent some amount of time sending friend requests to the most interesting looking suggested friends.
virology-2The facevirus is a strange and beautiful place, full of gorgeous people who, like any good libertines, push up against the prudish community standards of the world’s largest social virus website. People say there is a “weird facebook” and we are glad to participate.

Thus far our contributions have consisted primarily of aleatoric selections from the text itself and detourned Miley Cyrus selfies that, if you look closely enough destroy the aforementioned community standards.

Please follow this, or that space for updates about new viral activities. We are considering releasing the entire book on snapchat, or getting a tinder account, but are more likely to go exploring for a “weird OkCupid”. Keep an eye out for images of Miley with sex organs all over her face.



synopsis-topHETEROPOCALYPSE: RITUAL weaves thirteen tales of sex magic, demonic possession, and deviant violence together in a non-linear cut-up style. The apocalypse referred to in the title is not a post-apocalyptic speculation, but rather a pre-apocalyptic manifesto, or perhaps a warning, depending on the reader’s feelings about the world and the idea of it ending. The Heteropocalypse asks: what if the world is prepared to end, not with a bang, nor a whimper, but with a chorus of passionate moans and vulgar rutting grunts?

synopsis-midA second, much longer volume of this work is now emerging from the minds that ushered HETEROPOCALYPSE: RITUAL into the world. We have titled this emerging work HETEROPOCALYPSE: SACRIFICE. That text takes the original characters and multiplies them through a kaleidescope of tangents and deep explorations.  Like a virulent infection, the collective madness that possesses seemingly random people in RITUAL spreads exponentially until it reaches a point of crisis, and subsumes the entire world into a pit of orgiastic Armageddon.synopsis-bottom


rejection1In the past few weeks, we have submitted the heteropocalypse text to 13 publishers and 41 literary agents. Ten replied with rejection form letters, one said we should consider it a rejection if we don’t hear back in two weeks, and only one wrote an actual rejection letter. We cast a wide net, figuring that the sensibilities required to appreciate or want to see this particular text flourish are not the ones that a person tends to confess in their literary agent’s bio and list of interests.

If you throw fifty used condoms around, you’re bound to hit at least one cum guzzling slut. Likewise, we hope one of the many submissions or query letters we sent out will have found fertile ground. As of yet, this has not come to pass.
rejection2As much as someone (or thirteen someones, as the case may be) lowers their expectations and prepared for the worst, rejection and waiting do take their toll upon the psyche. We struggle and question both our prospects and our faith. Defeat feels like a constant companion, one who feeds upon our souls and grows inevitably as we diminish. Nevertheless, whenever we return to the text itself, whether in translation of the bizarre language we are channelling, or in seminary reflection and study, or simply casual reading and editing, we come away impressed and troubled in equal measure. We continue to believe in this project.

Whether we find our freak literary agent or editor or we resort to self publishing, we will usher this text into this world.

As the Romans say, Sempre Avanti!  — Always Forward!


submission2We are feeling very submissive right now.

Tomorrow morning over a dozen publishers or literary agents will receive submission requests from Zelig Rana, the collective pseudonym adopted by the discoverers of the Heteropocalypse text.

This is the next step in a long process, which has taken longer than we expected. It was necessary to reconcile differing translation techniques across the schism between those of us who are motivated by great literary ambitions vs those of us who were motivated by more devout feelings. This proved extra difficult, as we continue to work on recording, transcribing, and translating the gobbledegook which has been channeling into our minds since our ritualistic first reading of the text.

We intend to continue submitting, and once we’re done submitting to all the agents and small press / smut publishers, as well as a variety of xtian groups, who may pick up the text as an alarmist warning. After receiving the expected rejection letters from each and every one (highlights will be shared, we promise), we will then submit to you all. Pleading for donations so that we can fund the self-publishing of this unsettling and beautiful prose which came to us and demands wide presentation to others.

Prepare. Begin. Share.