virologyThe collective / cult that is Zelig Rana has been working diligently to promote and create an infectious following for this work. We figure that the best way to avoid having all of our submissions get rejected again is to “go viral” so that bands of wild-eyed hooligans begin knocking over shelves and old ladies in their earnest demand for our product.

That is how these things work, correct?

To that end, we built ourselves a facevirus account, and each member of our secret society invited all of their freakiest friends to observe our doings there. To be honest we have also spent some amount of time sending friend requests to the most interesting looking suggested friends.
virology-2The facevirus is a strange and beautiful place, full of gorgeous people who, like any good libertines, push up against the prudish community standards of the world’s largest social virus website. People say there is a “weird facebook” and we are glad to participate.

Thus far our contributions have consisted primarily of aleatoric selections from the text itself and detourned Miley Cyrus selfies that, if you look closely enough destroy the aforementioned community standards.

Please follow this, or that space for updates about new viral activities. We are considering releasing the entire book on snapchat, or getting a tinder account, but are more likely to go exploring for a “weird OkCupid”. Keep an eye out for images of Miley with sex organs all over her face.
